This edition of Layer Vision is an exciting one to share with you. This edition is centered on the importance of data. Data collection and data analyses is at the core of our breeding activities, without data we would not be able to make any genetic progress. But data insight is not only of added value to poultry breeders, also on hatchery and farm level it can generate new insights and improved understanding of the performance of your flock.
In this Layer Vision we will share in-house examples of the importance of data, one of these examples is a story on the Eggxaminator, developed to capture more precise data on egg quality. There is more information available on PRIMA, our data collection platform to improve the insight on your flock’s performance. Next to PRIMA we have invited several of our partners from the global egg sector to share with you the latest developments and insights on their data collection platforms.
In this edition we’d also like to share the latest progress on the renewal of all our Canadian research facilities, allowing us to upgrade and expand our R&D activities in North America. We are very pleased to share with you the inspiring story of our customer from Guatemala, INAVÍSA. Driven by data to continuously improve the quality of their operations and the products they sell. They serve as a true example to set the standard for sustainable egg production.
Those who actively follow us on our LinkedIn platform, might have already seen the festive news posts that more and more German egg producers are able to achieve 500 eggs in 100 weeks with their flocks of Dekalb Whites. We have included the inspiring story of the Bronsema family, who have been able to reach EGGcelent results with their very first flock of free-range laying hens. Special attention will also be given to the latest summary of the GUNMA Random Sample Testing Station, where clear benefits are shown for the Hendrix Genetics Layer breeds. This edition will be concluded with the contribution by the global egg sector to the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals.
We’d also like to thank you, our customers, and friends from the egg sector, for the continuous trust in our products and our people. Only by collaborating we can help to make a significant contribution to sustainable egg production all over the globe. Collecting and actively sharing of field data will help to further improve and finetune the future breeding directions, resulting in improved layer breeds all over the globe.